Today’s Prescription: Quick Influencer Tips

Happy Monday ya’ll! Today I’m sharing a few quick influencer tips to help my folks out there who are just starting their blog journey or needing a few tips!

Before we dive into the tips, here are the links to today’s look! I absolutely LOVE this coat ya’ll! You can find it here. This suit is sold out, but here is a similar suit here.

Okay, let’s get into these tips!

  1. Be Consistent: Don’t leave your audience hanging. If you want to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then stick to it. Don’t have your followers waiting around for your content. Your audience supports you, so you must put them first.

  2.   Pay Attention to Your Numbers: Instagram is a great app to view your engagement, reach, etc. These metrics will help you to gauge what content your audience favors and create your content strategy.

  3. Plan in Quarters: Plan your content on a quarterly basis, don’t wait until the last minute. Organize your captions, your posts, and social media. This will be such a big help when it’s time to publish your work.

  4.   Level Up: Once you can, level up. Invest in your brand. Pay for better photography, invest in a logo, graphic design, etc. It’s imperative that you step it up in order to progress in the influencer game.

  5. Promote Yourself: All social media outlets are different, but you should always promote yourself across every platform. This way you can expand your audience across the board and build upon your audience.

Of course I’m not a guru, but these tips have helped me on my influencer journey. I hope that they help you too sis!

I love ya’ll , be blessed, and stay fab!


