Today's Prescription: Cocotique Beauty Box

Happy Thursday loves! Yes, I'm posting on a Thursday! I know I just checked in yesterday, but I have to tell ya'll, I washed my car yesterday and Lord Jesus! It was such a workout, but when it was all said and done, I think I did a good job on my baby. 


 is a deluxe monthly beauty box subscription for women of color. Every month each box contains 6-8 sample and full sized beauty, skin, and hair products for their subscribers, or COCObelles. How fab is that? When I received my box, I was in awe of the amazing products inside. Most of the products in my box were from Black Radiance, but the box also contained natural hair and skincare products.


 definitely caters to the girly girl or the plain jane, and that's what I love about this box. It screams black girl magic! The packaging is simple, but still beautiful. The products were in the box were neatly packaged, and there was a card that listed all the products inside and their purpose, which was really helpful.

I used all the Black Radiance products, and my favorite is the True Complexion Contour Palette. It was so easy to apply and the highlighter is love! I also really like Anti-Acne Treatment by Rhada Cosmetics, I've definitely noticed my skin getting clearer. All of the products in the box are WOC-friendly and beginner friendly if you're not a makeup guru.  I can truly say that this is a subscription service that I am going to invest in. You can't beat $20 a month with FREE shipping! Be sure to subscribe by March 23rd to receive your box for April. Thank you


for sending me this gem! 

