Today's Prescription: The Perfect Maxi Skirt

Happy Monday dolls! I'm literally running off four hours of sleep, and I need a little pep in my step. This weekend wasn't too exciting, besides getting tickets to see Drake in November. I can't wait to cut up to "Nice for What!" The only downside is, this will be my third time seeing Minos in concert, and I'm quite over it. However, I'll be going ham for Aubrey, that's my boo. 

Maxi skirts are bae, they allow me be cute and covered lol! Because of this fact, I'm able to take my top (which is the dress here), and make an entire new look. Thanks to eShakti for this skirt here , I feel so glam and citrus like. I've featured eShakti on my blog numerous times, because each piece is custom made to your size. I love the sizing and the fact that it's long, but I'm not tripping over it. If you're a short girl like me, then you know how much of a blessing that is.

I love ya'll, be blessed, and stay fab!

