Today's Prescription: The Minty Green Suit

Happy Thursday loves! It's almost the weekend, just keep pushing, we gone make it!

There's nothing more trendy right now than pants suits or a "power suit" as ya'll like to call it. They are literally all over my timeline, from everywhere! Zara, H&M, you name it, it's there. I've been wanting to join the suit game for awhile, (outside of the navy and blacks for work), but I've been going the frugal, but fabulous route.

This minty green suit is my third suit to make an appearance and it's my third suit from Boohoo. If you missed them, be sure to check out the first two here and here. Obviously, I haven't' pushed myself to spend $100+ on a suit yet, because I just haven't found the right one. It's a whole relationship, sis lol.  

For styling, I paired the blazer and trousers with a bathing suit top, yes a bathing suit top! Gotta use what you got, sis. This suit makes me feel super cool in the midst of this hot weather.  Of course, I wore my handy dandy perspex heels for a shoe. Nothing too fancy, ya know.

I love ya'll, be blessed, and stay fab!


