Today's Prescription: Bold


Happy Monday loves! It’s been a little minute, but I didn’t want to force it. We have the type of relationship where we don’t have to talk every day, but we pick up right where we left off.


I’m back today with a beautiful printed dress found here. Of course, I love the colors and design. This dress gives me boho-ish vibes, but it’s bold. Which brings me to our topic today.


I can’t tell you all how often people have tried to put me in a box, even now as a grown woman. Since getting engaged and moving to Charleston, because of who my fiancé is and what he does, people have been brave enough to suggest I take a backseat and water down my plans or dreams for my life.


Well, I’m just not built like that. Lord knows I love Ciapha, but it’s important for me to have a life outside of him. I can be me- awesome and ambitious, doing it all. This is a mini rant, but it’s also me telling you to be bold. Yes, it’s good to be humble, but it’s also good to take charge, and go after what you want in this life. Your life shouldn’t be determined by who you’re connected to, or the half-baked opinions of others. Be bold in all that you do. I’m confident that’s what God wants for our lives.


2 Timothy 1:7 says, For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.


I’m not playing it safe, and neither should you, sis.


I love ya’ll, be blessed, and stay fab!




